Old Family Portrait Oil pastel on canvas: 40" x 50"

The painting was finished in 2014 and it was inspired by an old family photo which was taken in 1994, 1st day of Luna New Year Saigon, Vietnam when I was two year-old. It took me around a year to finish it. I thought I would like to preserve that memory for us to have something to remember of this house and those time that my parents, siblings and I spent together under this very place that once called home.
The painting was finished in 2014 and it was inspired by an old family photo which was taken in 1994, 1st day of Luna New Year Saigon, Vietnam when I was two year-old. It took me around a year to finish it. I thought I would like to preserve that memory for us to have something to remember of this house and those time that my parents, siblings and I spent together under this very place that once called home.

Teddy & Ducky Oil pastel: 48" x 60"

This painting portraiting a relationship with my partner. I recalled those times when my partner and I have always loved to accompany each other, including ours three cats, whenever we need a moment of comfort, and supported from one another. 

This painting portraiting a relationship with my partner. I recalled those times when my partner and I have always loved to accompany each other, including ours three cats, whenever we need a moment of comfort, and supported from one another. 

My Father's portrait Oil pastel: 30" x 50"

The Vietnam War was long over but what it did to a man was nothing but scars in his soul, and lives that was forever lost and might have been forgotten. 

I painted my father who was an army officer for the Southern Vietnam Military during the Vietnam War. Since I was little, I’ve always seen him with a cigarette which offten stuck between his fingers; Then, he’d casually tell us stories of what its like after the War was over, what it did to a country as a whole and to a man as an individual. 

This painting inspired by one of the moment I recalled I caught my father dived deep into his thought while telling my siblings and I the events he had been through during the war. 

Special thanks to my father as an inspiration for this painting
The Vietnam War was long over but what it did to a man was nothing but scars in his soul, and lives that was forever lost and might have been forgotten.  I painted my father who was an army officer for the Southern Vietnam Military during the Vietnam War. Since I was little, I’ve always seen him with a cigarette which offten stuck between his fingers; Then, he’d casually tell us stories of what its like after the War was over, what it did to a country as a whole and to a man as an individual.  This painting inspired by one of the moment I recalled I caught my father dived deep into his thought while telling my siblings and I the events he had been through during the war. 
Special thanks to my father as an inspiration for this painting

Piece #2 Oil Pastel on canvas: 20" x 36"

The whole concept of this painting is based on my imagination of my parents when they just got married. I painted this Painting as a gift for their 25th years wedding aniversary.

Piece #2 Oil Pastel 20" x 36"

The whole concept of this painting is based on my imagination of my parents when they just got married. I painted this Painting as a gift for their 25th years wedding aniversary.

My cats Oil pastel on canvas: 48" x 48"

The very first painting with my cats. I was lucky to have met Beejoo, my former housemate’s cat who taught me how to be a cat person, as I later adopted 3 other cats (Noel, Moon, and Milo) with my boyfriend. This painting is obviouslly inspired by them, and with endless fun and loving companionship they have given me that I very much appreciate it.